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4/5Rating score

Sandy Kalinowski Springfield, VA US

13 February 2009
"I have just read a Worldprofit blog. I was pleasantly surprised to find that I am already doing those things stated in the article without thinking about it! I am always changing my website. If an affiliate program isn't paying off, out it goes. I keep in contact with my affiliates and, when they run specials, up goes the new banner and it's expiration date is marked on my calendar for timely changes. I am always looking for new affiliates, programs, etc., and I try to have something for everyone on my site. But I don't stop there. I have click and donate buttons, a National Center for Missing and Exploited Children banner and the Amber Alert code on my site. Everyone who visits my site will find an item to buy or a game to play not to mention information to be investigated. The other thing I do? Every single thing that I can have open in a new tab/window on my site is set up just that way. Why? Because nobody likes a boring website and it keeps people on my page and checking things out. Kudos to Worldprofit."
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Some Information About Us

About Worldprofit

Since 1994, Worldprofit has assisted small and home based business owners around the world to profit online. We specialize in traffic generation, business-building software, various reseller opportunities, webcasting, and ongoing training and support for our customers. CEO and Co-Founder George Kosch, is a graduate of the Royal Military College in Kinston, Ontario, Canada. He served as a Captain in the Canadian Air Force as a Pilot and later went on to instruct elite students in the jet training program. Eventually, George retired from the Air Force and in 1994 co-founded a small dot-com, start up called Worldprofit. Now over 20 years later, with over 2 million Members, George is the CEO of Worldprofit while maintaining an active hands-on role as a Software Engineer and Instructor for Members at Worldprofit. George along with fellow co-founder and President Sandi Hunter, together they provide a variety of comprehensive services, training and support to an online worldwide community of home business owners, and affiliate marketers.

Our Home Business & Affiliate Marketing Training

Worldprofit has the tools and services you need to grow your home business as big as you want. These tools and services include domain hosting, website design tools, video and webcasting, prospect management, HTML and text-based newsletters (listservers), website content management, dynamic lead generation, prospect leads, traffic generation, online advertising and more. We have analyzed what businesses need to profit online and have created and perfected the tools you need for maximum daily success.

George Kosch/Sandi Hunter CEO/President