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5/5Rating score

Elizabeth English Hastings, NY US

23 October 2011
"I have been a Dealer at Worldprofit for one year now...I want to shout to the world..JOIN..what are you waiting for..I was practically a total Newbie when I came to Worldprofit, I had been on the Internet for approximately 6 months. I had a Website a gift store, I didn't need or want another business at the time...I wanted what everyone wants TRAFFIC..the 50,000 Free Visitors is what brought me to Worldprofit..I came in a couple of times everytime they called my name I just couldn't figure out how they knew my name or how they knew I had been there twice..I admit I left..I came back for the Webcast my third visit, I didn't know what I was hearing..a safelist..what is a safelist, traffic exchange..most of all profit credits, I knew to get my 50,000 visitors I had to attend the whole webcast..still not knowing what I was actually hearing I listened, mind you remember I didn't want another business at the time...I was happy with my little gift shop just needed someone there besides family and friends. I was stunned I met this man, George Kosch..I thought oh boy I'll never learn this, too hard, then it was like he was right beside me every step of the way holding my hand showing me the exact steps to take..To this day I take the steps that George Kosch recommends..I am afraid some day George is going to say jump off a bridge and I'm going to think it is the thing to do. The point is I went through Bootcamp in two days I Learned the Steps I needed to succeed. I am still doing those exact steps to this day. I met Sandi Hunter through Worldprofit Bootcamp Newsletters...the Newsletter updates us everyday on what is happening and what we need to each and every one, Sandi tells us things that we need to do to succeed not just at Worldprofit but in Business our Home Business. I met Sandi one day in the Live Business Center, she is the most amazing woman, she IS Worldprofits President. I knew the day that I saw her if there was any way that I could be half of the person that she is I could be the President of My Business..I try to inspire my dealers the way that Sandi does each of us everyday. After I was with Worldprofit for a couple of months I became a Senior Monitor I can't say enough about George Kosch and Sandi Hunter, because of what the two of them created almost 18 years ago I AM SUCCEEDING ON THE INTERNET. Just imagine a little country woman from Hastings, New York succeeding with her own Internet Home Business. I owe all my success to WORLDPROFIT, INC.. I know this testimony is a little long to post on the Live Business Center Page, it doesn't matter, I could have said this and a lot more but had to stop myself..I have finally found my oomph I couldn't be more excited about being a dealer and Senior Monitor at Worldprofit. Worldprofit has given me my life back."
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Some Information About Us

About Worldprofit

Since 1994, Worldprofit has assisted small and home based business owners around the world to profit online. We specialize in traffic generation, business-building software, various reseller opportunities, webcasting, and ongoing training and support for our customers. CEO and Co-Founder George Kosch, is a graduate of the Royal Military College in Kinston, Ontario, Canada. He served as a Captain in the Canadian Air Force as a Pilot and later went on to instruct elite students in the jet training program. Eventually, George retired from the Air Force and in 1994 co-founded a small dot-com, start up called Worldprofit. Now over 20 years later, with over 2 million Members, George is the CEO of Worldprofit while maintaining an active hands-on role as a Software Engineer and Instructor for Members at Worldprofit. George along with fellow co-founder and President Sandi Hunter, together they provide a variety of comprehensive services, training and support to an online worldwide community of home business owners, and affiliate marketers.

Our Home Business & Affiliate Marketing Training

Worldprofit has the tools and services you need to grow your home business as big as you want. These tools and services include domain hosting, website design tools, video and webcasting, prospect management, HTML and text-based newsletters (listservers), website content management, dynamic lead generation, prospect leads, traffic generation, online advertising and more. We have analyzed what businesses need to profit online and have created and perfected the tools you need for maximum daily success.

George Kosch/Sandi Hunter CEO/President