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World Profit Reviews by MembersAll reviews of World profit are appreciated and help us improve our level of service and customer satifaction. To enter a testimonial you must be a member.
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672 Member Reviews and Testimonials

Gary Waters Elyria, OH US

02 November 2017
"I have been beyond ill the past several years. Died once for over a minute and a half, this past episode was nearly as bad. One collapsed lung and both full of water. Pneumonia does not do it justice, it was worse but that was the only word to describe it. Another 19 days in the hospital. This sounds more like whining than a testimonial, I apologize. I needed everyone to know what was going on in my life for you to understand my feelings for Worldprofit and my many friends there. There are two people who rise to the top in any situation. Yesterday I opened a card. It had no identification on the envelope other than my name and address. When I opened up the card my heart shed a tear. "Just a little card to cheer you up and tell you we miss you and hope you are recovering quickly!" Signed...Sandi Hunter and George Kosch People you have no idea what great people we have running Worldprofit! How many Ceo's and Presidents take time out of the day to show they care about the people who work for them? This is not the first time they have shown love and caring for me. I only pray I can pay it all back. Sandi, and George, you are two special people I will never forget. Be blessed, Gary K Waters"
file: 925

Ash Brook Scotch Plains, NJ United States

25 October 2017
""I recently had the opportunity to call upon Worldprofit Support for assistance. I was overwhelmed by not only the quality of service offered but by the patient manner in which it was given. I'm retired from the corporate world and managed more than one IT support function during my career. Worldprofit’s support is World Class - a target every corporate support group seeks to attain." Ash Brook NJ United States"
file: 921

Dave Hayes Aldwick, West Sussex United Kingdom

20 October 2017
"I would like to submit this testimonial, for use on todays training to highlight the effective use and work the monitors do, specifically in this case Cedric Meisse I am a platinum member, have been for a short time now and absolutely love all the benefits this turnkey system provides me for building both Worldprofit & My Own Business Education consultancy Cedric was monitor on duty last night, while I was out for dinner with my wife and thanks to his excellent skills and knowledge of the Worldprofit system, managed to help one of my prospects, sign up to the Silver package. This highlights both the very good way the system works especially when you follow, stick to and apply lesson 3. My prospect initially came in through a safelist mailing, was followed up with through the systems prospect manager and this led to last nights upgrade. So thank you to George & Sandi for creating this simple, yet powerfully effective system, and cedric for his great work last night. This testimonial is submitted and will show newer members of Worldprofit, that it works, when you work it. Please use this on Fridays Training to help others : 0 "
file: 920

Linda Blackwell Newark, NJ USA

19 October 2017
"George, you know I have been with Worldprofit for over 14 years! You never cease to amaze me. The Email Commander is off the hook!!"
file: 919

Teresa Hutcheson Alexandria, VA US

02 October 2017
"Thank you Worldprofit for providing such an outstanding platform which has changed my life in more ways than you can know. Teresa Hutcheson, Platinum VIP Member "
file: 918

Danny Hall UK

01 October 2017
"I love Worldprofit its the best since I became a Silver member a few days ago I have had constant sign ups to my business :) brilliant."
file: 917

Kelly M Woodcox Rochester, IN US

26 September 2017
"I've been working online since 1999 and I've made some money here and there when I needed to so I could stay home with my kids... I have been involved in a lot of different programs.. and most of them have worked (ebay, promoting trial offers, selling training material, blogging with affiliate sites, etc...) BUT this one from Worldprofit takes the cake!!! I can promote ALL of my money making sites into "one"... AND George Kosch's training is beyond incredible!! "
file: 916

Rich Moyer Collegeville, PA USA

21 September 2017
"At any given time I have 1-2 windows open to SOMETHING in WorldProfit. I am a POWER USER of EVERYTHING, and I use almost every feature, function, and tool TO THE MAX to promote my online businesses and affiliate programs! I just signed up for ANOTHER 2 YEARS as a Platinum VIP member."
file: 915

Gary Waters Elyria, OH US

05 September 2017
"George and Sandi, It is difficult for me to find the right words to explain what a wonderful community we have at Worldprofit. It may not seem like I am very loyal. About 7 to 8 years ago I stumbled upon a very large paper by George Kosch. It was very large paper (probably an E-book) on the possibilities of marketing on the internet. This led me to Worldprofit where I really enjoyed working in the Live Business Center. Unfortunately, I, like many often do thought there was something better out there. Big mistake. I ended up returning to Worldprofit a few years later, but the timing wasn't right, my health got in the way. In March of this year,2017, I returned again. This time I had a renewed energy and an the knowledge that Worldprofit was without a doubt, the finest affiliate opportunity on the net. George and Sandi treated me like I was family, when I wasn't feeling well they were genuinely concerned. Linda Elze believed in me and allowed me to jump back into the Live Business center as if I never left. All of the monitors are a pleasure to work with too. I am so happy to be back where I belong with people that truly care about others and their welfare. This business is more like a big family and we need more folks to be part of it. Thank you, George and Sandi, for building a business the right way Gary K Waters "
file: 914

Richard Thompson New Westminster, BC. Canada

03 September 2017
"My name is Richard Thompson. This is now going into my third month as a silver Member at Worldprofit! From my point of View this membership is the sanest choice One can make on the Internet! That's if you are really serious about creating an on line business that has a chance of surviving! Past the original illusions (I believe many have)about how easy it is to make a living on line. Worldprofit is the reality, the vehicle, the tools, the support, and the education. Lesson Three is definitely the key and fuel to make what ever it is you want to make happen come to life on line. I am just now starting to get a grasp on just how valuable this Membership is in so, so many ways. What a great group, amazing source of education, tools and a platform to run it all! The platform helps so much to keep some sort of order in all the parts and pieces that go together to make a virtual business. Then keep it organized and under control. Then there is the folks who did all the hard work to make this available to others. These are truly Trustworthy, Good People! If you listen, you will hear a very real desire to help and see that you survive on line. I cannot think of any reason why some one who is really interested in winning on line would not become at least a silver member. The Value is beyond the small cost to do this. If you compare this to cost of having a business in the material world. There could be no other choice It is win win on a grand scale with so much value for so little. It takes a little bit of time for the Value of Worldprofit membership to become clear! Once you see it though you will know there is no other resource like this that I know of online! I have been online since the Internet's creation. I have never been happier with an online service this life time. I know in my soul I am going to become a success online and this Worldprofit group is the right tool to make that so. Thank you Richard Thompson "
file: 913

Hazel Fry ,

03 September 2017
"LINDA has been good to me and puts up with me. She is excellent and I'm glad. She sure has taught me a lot!!! I hope to learn much more."
file: 912

Dave Hayes Aldwick, West Sussex United Kingdom

31 August 2017
"This is a testimonial about the Worldprofit Platinum VIP Upgrade, which I took earlier this week as part of the 23rd Birthday Offer Admittedly, I took the best part of the month to make this decision, fully evaluating it and talking to my sponsor, a respected online advertiser who I have known for over 12 years He stated it was worth while in every respect and even though I didn't see the picture he was seeing because he was and still is a platinum VIP, I took the plunge It has only been a few days since upgrading, but already I can see the benefit of this, not least in terms of commissions and now wonder why I took so long!! As my sponsor said, "When you skin in the game, it gives you an extra edge and makes you more motivated to do well" While motivation has never been a problem for me in this industry, I would urge anyone who is considering the upgrade, to grab it, you will soon see it makes total sense It has my whole hearted recommendation for a fact. Really and truly, nothing else even comes close to this and that is a fact, born out when you have other people who have been online for years, still bouncing from veneture to venture as affiliates 'only' promoting them and not building a list Two of the key reasons to go to platinum was A) I wanted to move from my present hosting and know that with the Wordpress training avalable at WP, its a no brainer decision & B) My Business Education Consultancy has gained more exposure through the Worldprofit system than it was previously ~ I know this because my tracking stats tell me so Dave Hayes"
file: 911

Veromique Falwasser Hamilton, Waikato NZ

19 August 2017
"Hi George, I am new at this kind of thing but I will tell you this I'M VERY SURPRISED THAT SOMEONE SHOWS YOU HOW TO DO IT THROUGH VIDEO, I love this and I will be encourage others to come to this system, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU"
file: 910

Dave Hayes Aldwick, West Sussex United Kingdom

17 August 2017
"I'm submitting this testimonial about the Worldprofit monitors. My day starts as most of them do, by checking on my adtracker stats. To do this I have to go through the Live Business Center. I always make a point of saying HI to the Monitor on duty and spend a few minutes chatting with him or her. No matter who it is, they always usually have a good point, recommendation or tip designed to make the days work more beneficial or they can usually espeak about the experience they are having with a certain tool or package, you might be thinking of buying. They are unsung but do very good work and their experience can save you time. Well worth taking a few minutes of your time to do this. I know I speak for a couple of my team members as well when writing this."
file: 909

Dave Hayes Aldwick, West Sussex United Kingdom

10 August 2017
"This is a testimonial about Worldprofit Lesson 3 The reason for writing it is this Every Friday the live training bootcamp, which I make a point of attending or watching the replay later, even with the 17 years online marketing experience I have, there is always something new to learn, emphasises the importance of lesson 3 Lesson 3 is about joining the 20 plus traffic streams, both safelists and traffic exchanges, then implementing them starting with 1 or 2 initially and progress from there. George and the bootcamp training recommends spending at least 7 days on this lesson Why 7 days, because if you join 2 or 3 traffic streams daily, you learn about each one and over the course of a week, you will end up joining all of them. L3 in truth becomes your daily working method and perhaps more importantly... lays down the foundations for your business The reason for joining all the traffic streams over a week, is that even as a free member, when others join you and follow what you do, by upgrading in the ones they like, then you will earn two things, referral advertising credits and at least 10% commission, even from exchanges and safelists you are not personally using Using the adtracker in conjunction with lesson 3 will show you which pages work best and which ad resources work best. Now George recommends that you have at least 200 hits a day showing on your adtracker, anything less and you won't see the rewards.This is true From watching the bootcamp training and personally using the following manual traffic exchanges trafficadbar, Tezaktraffic power and Dragonsurf, I get results, this was born out yesterday by ensuring that I had a minimum of 200 hits ( I had more) I got optins The same applies to safelists and again by applying what you are shown in L3, you will get results and identfy which safelists give you the best results Now harsh though this may sound and the reason for writing this testimonial is that the same question gets raised on the training and I get asked it personally "Why do I need to do this" The reply is always the same "Follow and do L3 and you will get success online, it will take time, but you will have success, as long as you treat it like a business. Anything else just isn't worth your time" I always add the caveat, you also need to AVOID like the plague SOS(Shiny Object Syndrome) by falling for the copy selling the SOS. Your bank account will drain very quickly Learn to write good copy and the opposite happens Personally L3 is your route to a brilliant peice of online 'real estate' because it teaches you list building and provides you the tool to do so, which requires your focus In short lesson 3 works, very well when followed Please feel free to use this"
file: 908

Mike Larzelere Port Huron, MI US

06 August 2017
"I read a few reviews about Worldprofit that were not very flattering. I believe most have little merit. Worldprofit is a legitimate, affiliate program that most people can make money doing. There are multiple income making streams that one can follow to make money. It does take commitment and some investment. You can make money here. If you are not into consistent promotion and are not committed to keeping your site up, then no, Worldprofit is not for you. But not making money because you are not disciplined to follow the steps outlined in the guide by Owner and CEO George Kosch is not the fault of Worldprofit. Mike Larzelere"
file: 907

Iphota Thelemaque Bridgeport, CT USA

03 August 2017
"To my fellow marketers, My Name is Iphota Thelemaque This is Why I love Worldprofit before I found Worldprofit I've lost A lot of money, Online Until one day I was Reading an email about Worldprofit, when I click the email said put your email in this box and you can became a Member, I was very Skeptical at first about putting my email out again, since I've lost so much Money in Other Websites Claiming they would help me start my business. Even my husband warned me about it before. I decided to click on it, he was very paranoid. The email said if you have $99.95,that you can became a Member. I paid for the total, and became a Member of Worldprofit. I have to say that was the best decision I could possibly make. I love Worldprofit for Several reasons; I'm part of an amazing Team, and they give you an opportunity to make money and become a business woman. I've been on Worldprofit for Six and half Years. they tell you it's not "Get rich quick" you have to Work very hard and you also have to be patient. Because one day you will become happy and do everything on my own pace. I know one day I'll have my very own home that can call my own and work on my business from home. In life you have to take chances, and the chances you take can impact your life. There are so many companies who Scams People but it's up to you to do your own research and see what works for you. So fellow Marketers, Worldprofit Been in business for 23 years so you have to take a chance on life, and Worldprofit is the perfect risk taker. if I can do it, so can you, so take a chance, take control of your life and happiness. Sometimes to have something in your name is a great achievement, when you sit in your living room and you work your own hours, and your at your comfort level, it's the best feeling ever. Thank you So much for everything Worldprofit does for me. I might not express it all the time, but I truly appreciate my team for my life changing experience in Worldprofit Again Thank you So Much Everyone!!!..."
file: 906

Dave Hayes Aldwick, West Sussex United Kingdom

26 July 2017
"This is a testimonial about the Worldprofit's Adtracker One of the reasons I joined Worldprofit, was because I was looking for two main things to help in my marketing. One was good quality traffic, the second was an adtracker, but being a professional I was looking for something which really drilled down into my marketing and showed me where the signups were coming from.. That for anyonline marketer is KEY to their online activities Tracking can be the difference between 1 or 2 good hours productivity and several hours wasted, just because you 'like' a site EG facebook! The Worldprofit Adtracker, is a tool I love and its where I start my day, because it shows me Which sites work Where I need to spend my money on upgrades Which specific pages work Where I need to focus my marketing activites It is a fantastic tool, one that I wouldn't be without and I have tried many in 17 years of online marketing, including goog.le, vitalviralpro( now defunct), ClickFunnels & Clickmagikc, none of which really did what I wanted them to do I start my day each day by analysing my stats wuth adtracker and then plan my day accordingly In fact, it led to a interesting discussion, with a colleague, who was telling me that Global Money line was a gold mine of prospects and I needed to upgrade further, from the silver subscription, I had previously tracked it with other software, which showed it wasn't producing. So with complete faith in the WP adtracker, I decided to track my activity with GML, for a period of 14 straight days and quite heavily. 14 days doesn't sound a lot, but in internet terms with heavy promotion should at least get a sign up or 2 14 days later and I can safely say that GML, has produced zero results in terms of engagment, optins or sign ups. This has been related back to my associate and, surprise, surprise, I have heard no more about how good it is So if your looking for a good tracker, that does it all, then WP has just the tool. Highly recommended"
file: 905

Ash Brook Scotch Plains, NJ United States

20 July 2017
"I am a short timer at Worldprofit. I have other affiliate programs and came to Worldprofit seeking valid traffic for my programs which I quickly achieved in Worldprofit's Diamond, Ruby, Sapphire and Traffic Blaster programs. Traffic results were beyond my expectation. THEN I viewed one of Worldprofit Training Videos and discovered George Kosch, one of the founders of Worldprofit and the technical brains behind Worldprofit. THIS GUY IS THE REAL DEAL. In his humble and collaborative manner, he conducts weekly LIVE training workshops focused on list building and affiliate promotion, He answers questions from attendees each week. The TRAINING IS RECORDED and ARCHIVED so as a member, you can review it as schedules permits. AND IT GETS EVEN BETTER! Worldprofit has a network of Monitors who are there 24/7 LIVE through video ready to help you and answer your questions. These are volunteer members of the program providing support to their fellow members. I never experienced that in any other program. Anyone serious about building an internet business should give Worldprofit a look. This is a program like no other. Ash Brook NJ, USA THANK YOU Ash for taking the time to send in your review of Worldprofit's Home Business and Affiliate marketing training system created by George Kosch. This month Worldprofit celebrates our 23rd birthday and it's positive reviews and feedback like this that keeps us pumped for the future of continuing to serve our members around the globe. ~ George Kosch"
file: 904

Richard Thompson New Westminster, BC. Canada

15 July 2017
"I just want to say I have been on line trying to make something happen for years off and on, painful experience financially. I had so much confusion about marketing on the internet, how to get people to a site or product.Was so confusing to me! TWO weeks with Worldprofit,"Two short weeks"! I have cleared up so much confusion and complexity with the basic lesson three.I am serious this has been a tremendous confidence builder for me, I read a AND DO IT. This is the simplest most effective way to train any one to do any thing. Instead of just significance. I mean you can learn all about Tractors but if you have never see one or touched one it is just an Idea.That's the joy of this. These guys show you it, and make you take it out for a ride over and over till it becomes something you just do! Even if you were to up and walk away from Worldprofit if you did what George Kosch says, you will know with certainty how to win with any product or service on line and how to go about creating your own empire. You would be doing it without all the silly get rich quick lies and pr. you would know how to make it happen and be ready to get to work to do it. Thank you I am very Impressed. Richard Thompson "
file: 903

Iphota Thelemaque Bridgeport, CT USA

22 June 2017
"June 6- 22-2017 Hello fellow Marketers, This is my Opinion on Worldprofit. They are a very professional business online. They offer the best business and training. I feel this way because it helped me, and it can also be beneficial for others as well. This system at Worldprofit is perfect for people who want to own their own business. I recommend people to own their own business because they make their own schedules and they become their own boss. Take your chance, like I did. You won't regret a thing. You should consider it because you earn income, online. The training is the best part, it takes you Step by Step on how you can became successful. Take one step to join, and all your dreams can became reality. You get to own your own business and work from home. You don't ever have to leave your home to earn money. Experts, George Kosch and Sandi Hunter have been in business for over 23 years. Their goals are to help people like me become successful. They have more than enough experience. Plus Worldprofit has BBB accreditation for over 15 years with A+ Rating. Anyone who wants training in online marketing and how to work effectively and earn money should take a good look at Worldprofit. In training you promote the product you are trying to sell. I miss the LIVE boot camp training every Friday but I can watch the video later. See for yourself how helpful and professional they are. George Kosch makes it easy for me to understand and watch the boot camp videos when convenient for me. If you sign up today you can get started right away, they give you step by step lessons, there are over 100 lessons so you get to have variety. George says you have to put in the hard work to get rich, and it doesn't happen overnight as others will try to tell you. The end results are amazing and you'll get a nice source of income. Thank you so much everyone."
file: 902

Dave Hayes Aldwick, West Sussex United Kingdom

22 June 2017
"I wanted to submit this unsolicited testimonial, because, having been part of Worldprofit (WP) for about 21 days or so now and following the system, I felt it was important to give feedback, bearing in mind there are STILL tons of other online marketers, who are obviously struggling, but refuse to look outside of their current marketing promotions One of the MAJOR reasons for me partnering with Worldprofit was this... I have my own business education consultancy, which is in the High Ticket Affiliate Marketing model ( HTAM) helping home business owners grow their existing business. Now previously to partnering with Worldprofit, I had been extensively marketing through facebook, because that is the way to do it...allegedly!), however posting in facebook groups is not going to get you very many results, because with over a billion active users, all doing the same thing, your post gets very quickly lost and sign ups rare... So Unless you use facebook ads, which can be expensive to run for the sorts of numbers you require, or you post and share from your fanpage. Doing that has the same effect as using facebook ads ( it gets seen in your timeline and the only cost is time) Now for my business to grow, good quality targeted traffic is required. The solution for that, lies, very simply in safelist, solo, banner & traffic exchange advertising, all of which are where the home business target market is. Having considered a variety of traffic solutions, it quickly became apparent, that Worldprofit offered me the traffic I was looking for... so it was a no brainer for me and for anyone looking at this venture, a free trial should at least be taken. To attract that market in, very good offers and landing pages are required. In the short time I have been using this exceptional system, I can say that the traffic from the sources provided by the excellent tracking system, has been first class, even from a couple of sources I thought were dud previously. The traffic packages offered, are without question some of the most competitively priced on the internet, providing brilliant value. I was a member of some traffic exchanges and safelists before and had always refused to upgrade, simply because I was unsure of the quality of the traffic With Worldprofit... that is not the case, I have upgraded and brought strategically, both as needed and advised to do & they WORK I am very happy with this superb system, which has everything a home business owner / online affiliate marketer needs. Keep up the good work. Dave Hayes"
file: 901

Dave Hayes Aldwick, West Sussex United Kingdom

13 June 2017
""Having worked professionally online since 2009, with my own business education consultancy, it has always been apparent that you need to have the right tools and good quakity traffic to build your list Now in this time I have trialed and evaluated MLSP, Your Eight Steps, The Conversion Pros (TCP) TE Profits and currently use GVO / Pure Leverage to build my list Nothing wrong with any of the above, except that MLSP, TCP and Pure Leverage, all advocate building and marketing around facebook. However the drawback with that is, that facebook, is in its simplest business form a list builder, which will only give you the sorts of numbers you require, if you spend thousands on facebook ads, posting in facebook groups means your ad is going to get lost among the huge amount of others there. Worldprofit on the other hand, has it all, well established quality traffic, the right way to build your list, tutorials, landing page builder and a ton of more stuff, which in my short time of using it, has shown itself to be exceptional. There are a ton of exceptional benefits at Worldprofit, the most notable of which is the fact that following the system, using the landing pages recommended, makes signups... so much easier. You have my vote, it is a no brainer. Dave Hayes, Worldprofit Silver Member"
file: 900

Mark Loder St. Catharines, Ontario CA

24 May 2017
"There are thousands of products to sell here to make a GREAT INCOME from home online I'm just sending this testimonial out to remind you to take a serious look at this business because it is growing like WILDFIRE! You can join for FREE and still make an INCOME with WORLDPROFIT I have 310 Personal Sign Ups in this system already that are Prospects & 225 Associates in my 3 month's in this business. I joined the 10th of Febuary and it is now May 24th,2017. I don't know about you but that is TREMENDOUS GROWTH and I have already made 6 sales in the first 2 weeks of business in my first month & 2 People have Upgraded to SILVER MEMBERSHIP since I joined and over 50 of them are coming in to Watch the Training's under the Training Tab at the Top of the Page when you log into WORLD PROFIT! At $99.95 and 20% Commission as a Silver or 40% as a Platinum Member that's $80 Commission as a PLATINUM MEMBER but do remember the Memberships are Paid Month After Month!  Now just Imagine the Potential here 100 SILVER MEMBERSHIPS would Generate a Monthly Check to you of 100 x $99.95 = $9,950 in Total Memberships per Month x 20% Commission per Month = $1,999.00 per Month Income. As a PLATINUM MEMBER you get a 40% Commission instead of 20% on the Monthly Memberships so that looks like this 100 x $99.95 = $9,995.00 x 40% = $3,998.00 per Month!  Plus you get paid on Over 10,000 Products through Click Bank where YOU Make 100% COMMI$$ION$ and All the Thou$and$ of Product$ that You get to sell through Your Own Amazon Store! Plus all the Hundred$ of Product$ that WORLD PROFIT keeps adding each month to your Product Collection, You can make FAR MORE INCOME then just on Memberships alone. Just since the beginning of March alone I had 37 Associates Sign Up! That's CRAZY GROWTH!   Log In Click on the CHAT LIVE BUSINESS CENTER to watch the Video by George Kosch on the SILVER MEMBERSHIP and How you can make a TREMENDOUS INCOME with WORLD PROFIT  You can ask any questions in the CHAT LIVE BUSINESS CENTER to the Live Monitor there To Your Prosperity, Mark Loder"
file: 899

Bobbi Nichols Jefferson City, MO United States

19 May 2017
"I can not think of any other online business that helps their customers/clients with excellent support and are very responsive to assisting me with any issue I have or have had. They are so quick to respond, even when I mess something up myself. Trust me if it can be broken, I can do it. They can always fix it. Love these support people. I am so satisfied with the variety and number of services included in my Membership! I'm constantly surprised at how much value we get and how much information there is, I can't believe how many awesome items are there for our use and We Do NOT have to pay for each thing we use or have.... love it. The Bootcamp Training offered each week are AMAZING! I haven't set an alarm clock for work in many years. I still do not need to, but on Friday mornings, I make sure that alarm is going to go off so I do not miss anything in the Bootcamp Training for that week. George is an AWESOME teacher and Leader, you will find he's full of information and is very accomodating. I learn something new everyday from the videos and online tools provided in my member area. It can be very overwhelming and exciting at the same time. I have a terrible habit of jumping ahead in my training, not just Worldprofit training but any training, what's really cool, I can go back to Bootcamp and start out at the beginning again, as many times as I need to so I can learn things. As a matter of fact, I went back to my Lesson 1-3 again today. Because I got lost with what I was doing and trying to cover. The one thing you shouldn't do, is what I did, jump around from one thing to another, don't do it. Take it from me, all your gonna do is overwhelm yourself and you will not do yourself a bit of good if you do not learn it step by step with George and all the Bootcamp trainings there are. Trust me, you will love it. "
file: 898

John Silva Riverside, RI USA

16 May 2017
"AS I re-imagine my life and work on my 4th or maybe 6th career, an encore career with passion, perseverance, focus... in short "The Secret to Success Online is Really Simple: Centralize, Focus, Passion, Visualize, Actualize and Lots of FREE Target Traffic!" And I thank you Wordprofit for providing this opportunity."
file: 897

Elsworth Molyneau Barking, ESX GBR

15 May 2017
"I would like to thank all of Worldprofit for their support and training that I have received in the last couple of months. It's been the best thing I have done online. I have learned so much and learning something new each day, it has changed my life totally. After my road traffic accident which left me unable to to the things I used to do I wanted to do something new. I tried a few things online but nothing can compare with Worldprofit you are simply the best and no one else can contest. Thank you for the opportunity to gain so much knowledge which has change my life. Keep up the brilliant work love you all. Elsworth Molyneau "
file: 895

Lee Shaw Peoria, AZ US

12 May 2017
"Here is my story. I have been in internet marketing off and on since 1995. I have had several web sites and have been in a lot of affiliate programs. I have made money in some programs, but have lost a lot in most of them. Worldprofit is the first program that I have found to be a real help in my success. I Started with the Diamond Rotator and then looked over the free stuff for a week or so and then joined as a Silver member on March 1st 2016. I have joined all of the(20+ Traffic Streams) listed on the WP site and also several others for a total of 132 at this time. I joined all of the safelists free and surf for credits about 2-3 hours a day. I watch the training videos 1-3 at least once a week and attend every training session on Fridays. I have found Worldprofit to do everything they say they will and to be very responsive to my concerns. To be successful you have to do what they tell you to do and invest the time following the plan. So my suggestion to you is to get the Silver membership, watch the training videos over and over again, attend the training sessions and most importantly promote every day and your success will happen. "
file: 894

Kevin Brown San Angelo, TX United States

16 April 2017
"I would like to say that "Worldprofit" is one of the best internet marketing, internet education, social networking websites, on the net...Hands down! Not only can you make money,...but they do not,...I repeat!,...Do not color the online marketing picture... First,...if you want to get ahead in this competive world, you absolutetly need the truth about what is going on around you, and what's happening online,..."Worldprofit" does exactly that. It's actually better than a college education, in my opinion,...and not only that,...They give you every opportunity to better yourself in ways that you wouldn't think possible in a program of this type. That's not taking into consideration the online monitors that are there to greet anyone who logs into their account,...and those who are just kicking around to see what they might find on the net... Work!,...What's that!,...Yep, are going to have to do some Work if you want to get ahead in this program,...If you don't want to work, then you don't want lasting success... I am a successful musician,...I have been playing the sax for 54 years now,...and I know what it takes to be a great one,...not that I am boasting,...but, that is what others say about me... I know that I will need some other source of income, to sustain me for the rest of my life,...something that I can work at, knowing that my time, and effort will be worth it... So I am with "Worldprofit" for the Long Haul!,...I am also a blind person,...and yes, I have many challenges when trying to do the steps that are laid out before me,...but after a long layoff,...I returned to "Worldprofit" because I knew that they were people that I could trust... It's 2017,...and I think "Worldprofit" is a mainstay far into the future... How many times have you heard the saying,..."We have everything you need to be successful",... Well, "Worldprofit" puts the money where their mouth is,...They do actually have Everything! you need to to be successful, and much more,...That's no joke folks!... I am deeply gratified, and appreciate the Blessing that is the program called "Worldprofit"..."
file: 893

Rich Moyer Collegeville, PA USA

07 April 2017
"Outsiders have no clue what they are missing at Worldprofit. First class tools, training, and resources to say the least, but the REAL value is the community, and responsiveness of George and Sandi to the needs of our members. First, nobody does LIVE INTERACTIVE WORKSHOPS... except WorldProfit. Members are in direct communication with the brain trust - the guy who built it, the guy who supports it, and the guy who TEACHES it. Where else can you openly ask questions, and directly get answers? I've seen some amazing things put into play as a result of these workshops. I made a suggestion to add editing capability to the URL Cloaker and Magic List Builder. I have literally thousands of ads on hundreds of safelists and other advertising venues. The internet changes so quickly - projects come and go, or even something as simple as a new squeeze page from an affiliate program. I would have to generate a new cloaked URL, then go to each of the sites where the original URL was posted. With so many ads - link maintenance was impossibly tedious. To give you an idea of the scope of this issue: I have 827 cloaked links in the WP URL Cloaker, about the same number in the Magic List Builder, and 591 in my 3rd party cloaker. I have over 700 active safelist memberships in which link changes should be made. (although in reality, I only get around to the top 100). I have over 570 affiliate IDs in my database. 659 Banner URLs, and 351 landing pages. I started using a 3rd party cloaker, in addition to the WorldProfit cloaker, primarily because it gave me the ability to change the redirect URL. Within hours after the workshop, George had investigated the issue, and implemented the program changes to make it happen. You simply do not find this responsiveness ANYWHERE. Thank you SO Much George!! Rich Moyer Platinum VIP "
file: 892

Anthony Cureton forest, nc United States

31 March 2017
"Power is promoting, this system gives me power!"
file: 891

Iphota Thelemaque Bridgeport, CT USA

29 March 2017
"Hello. Fellow Marketers my name is Iphota. Now for everyone that is watching this Testmonial it's the best Time for you to have your Own Website. As you know by now everything is more expensive and becomes harder to get, so I want to help you out and say welcome to a place that you can trust to help you earn money at home. I love Worldprofit become now I have my own business and I make money from home. I get to be my own boss, I couldn't ask for more. So, go to Worldprofit and start the Training now so you can be your own boss too. I Love Worldprofit you will Love too..."
file: 890

Anthony Cureton forest, nc United States

18 March 2017
"Awesome products and definitely a good staff to help you at Worldprofit."
file: 887

Rosalind Lund Minneapolis, MN US

10 March 2017
"Always have had a passion for marketing and promotion for about the last 17 years. I had to take my bumps like most online marketers with scams and false promises of easy instant profits. What Worldprofit has done for me is phenomenal! They are honest, straightforward, knowledgeable, accommodating and the best place on the net worldwide for learning how to start and expand your home business. I left Worldprofit after graduating as a MECC with George Kosch's Bootcamp Training and not sure if I would recommend it, but, It gave me the confidence I needed to become a better marketer trying out my wings with my newfound knowledge. As of yesterday I am now a permanent fixture here at Worldprofit for their cutting edge, trending Bootcamp Training and bar-none Traffic. I will not make the same mistake twice... Worldprofit is THE #1 Home Business Training, Traffic, and Resource Center by far on the net. Thank you Worldprofit! from my heart to yours, thanks so very much!"
file: 886

Iphota Thelemaque Bridgeport, CT USA

09 February 2017
"This is my opinion on Worldprofit's online Training Business. It is Fantastic because you can train in a place where you can be own boss. Also, you can make such a great selling business in Worldprofit. If I can do it so can you. In life God gives you a chance, so it's either take it or you will lose the things you could have got if you would've taken the route he has paved for you. Our business is very nice and it is an easy way to make fast cash at home. At first my husband didn't believe it was gonna work but when I got my first paycheck I was rubbing it in his face. I love working here and earning money at home. It is a great site and I am very glad that I had joined and started right away."
file: 884

Jesse Josserand Salt Lake City, UT US

06 February 2017
"Thanks for making me realize what I need to do, and constantly pushing me to do it! Success takes work and Worldprofit works! To all those out there who would disagree - you need to read my testimonial - yes I've been upset with Worldprofit at times, but that's because there are no holds barred in their efforts to get one to follow a plan, focus on it, and stick to it until they make a touchdown (yep, Superbowl humor - but nevertheless TRUE). Any company who will not only give you tools to make money and train you to do it and constantly get better at it, but also allow you to use those tools, their sites and their training to promote your own goodies - clearly wants you to succeed! Read my full testimonial at the link below. My full testimonial is posted at I love all you guys; George and Sandi. Jesse Josserand "
file: 883

Betty Miller Louisville, KY US

10 January 2017
"Happy New Year To Everyone. I feel Blessed and Happy to start off my New Year knowing I have the support of Worldprofit. George Kosch, Sandi Hunter and my sponsor Wallace Johnson have all been very supportive. They are all hands on. The Support at Worldprofit is only a click away, I have found Worldprofit support to be fast direct and understanding. I first joined as a Silver Associate in July 2016. I took my time and explored what Worldprofit had to offer a Newbie like myself. I quickly discovered Worldprofit to be an amazing exceptional community of winners. These guys had already achieved what I was looking to learn to achieve. I knew there were so many amazing things to learn, it was going to take time. I wanted to ensure I did not have to be concerned about a monthly payment. I knew the best possible way for me to stay focused on learning, was to invest in myself,and my future as an successful online Business Owner. I knew I had to take advantage of the offer to upgrade to a Platinum VIP Member. The value was unbelievable. Everyone I have had the pleasure to come in contact with at Worldprofit has been completely supportive, friendly and helpful. Worldprofit is one of a kind, no hype way to learn everything you could possibly need to know about becoming successful in your Internet Business. It is not easy and you have to do the work and put forth the effort. I have found everyone at Worldprofit to be honest, dependable, supportive, trustworthy, and kind. Believe me I have researched and researched and joined and joined all of these so called get rich quick offers online, nothing has had the value and support Worldprofit has to offer. Thank You Betty Miller "
file: 882

Zeev Melamed MIAMI, FL US

04 January 2017
"Excellent system of doing business online, very complete and you can learn to develop any business on the Internet, especially for beginners. Worldprofit is 100%, the best system I ever seen."
file: 881


23 December 2016
"Hello, my name is Howard Martell I reside in Virginia Beach VA. I have been a long standing member of Worldprofit now for 7 years. Wow what can I say the home business bootcamp training is second to none. The Team of Senior Monitors who volunteer their time to help with taking care of all associates and closing of sales, who come in 24 hours a day is another bonus our serious members get. When you decide to join this online family you will be introduced to a group of online professionals, who strive towards helping you succeed in any business or program you might be in. Many thanks, go out out to Sandi Hunter I call her the encourager, and George Kosch which I call him the mad money making gizmo inventor. "
file: 880

Lisa Martiniuk Whitecourt, Alberta Canada

22 December 2016
"When you find a Company with the fortitude to include every essential resource required for operating any type of business, organization, or program, why look elsewhere? Worldprofit has perfected the system that is readily available, including your own instant customer base, to help you get off to a good start. I am truly grateful to be a part of this worldwide community, with a Company that provides equal opportunity for anyone who has a desire, and willingness to learn. Worldprofit has proven itself that just by having the right system in place, and applying good work ethics, income will be realized. My favourite Top-Notch Tool is definitely having access to the expertise, professionalism, and integrity of top-notch role models, George, Sandi, and the Monitor Team. "
file: 879

Iphota Thelemaque Bridgeport, CT USA

21 December 2016
"To All Fellow Marketers. My name is Iphota Thelemaque, I'm a Member at Worldprofit. I Love it! Because you are never too old to learn to fly. They teach you what you need to know o you can be your own Boss. All my Life I have worked for other people. Worldprofit gives me a Chance to have my Own Business. Now I am my own boss. You see I'm very Happy after 51/2 years with Worldprofit. I Love it, this is a Training Program. This is the first Time I get paid by an online business. It feels good to work for yourself. You need your own business too. This Business is What you have been waiting for. Thank you Everyone"
file: 878

Sterling Bryant Liberty, TX US

20 December 2016
"I have been with Worldprofit before. I started chasing the moon and discovered I should have stayed with Worldprofit from the beginning. I am glad to be back with a "World Class Business." Sterling "
file: 877

Veronica Routtu Ontario, OR US

19 December 2016
"I signed up here years ago when I was a complete newbie and had no clue what I was doing or the power of this system!! Great training here and awesome products to create a business without having to join any other program out there if you don't want or haven't already! I am so happy I ran across this again and so thankful that I know what an AWESOME deal this is this time! Totally loving my Silver Membership!! Thanks so much!!"
file: 876

Jane Clark Hartselle, AL US

19 December 2016
"I say many times a day, I love Worldprofit. My reason making money. This is the only site I have made money unlike so many others that depleted my savings. Worldprofit offers it ALL, Training (live and planned lessons), many products to sell, 24 hour sales closing assistance, pre written ad examples, high graphic landing pages and many many more. What you will find at Worldprofit is eager and kind members willing to help you in anyway. No question is too small or unimportant to ask. I volunteer to Monitor so I can tell everyone coming into the Worldprofit Live Business Center THIS is the place to make money. If you have lost a lot of money STOP here you will make money. Also, we have many freebies and bonus just for upgrading to Silver Membership."
file: 875

Will Buckley APO, AE US

19 December 2016
"As a Worldprofit member I have benefited in so many ways. The first day I joined I made money from one of my 50 associates. In fact this one person practically paid for my first year in Worldprofit. Worldprofit is the ultimate place to go for anything, I mean anything. If you are new or have been online for a while this is the program you need. Worldprofit has mastered the traffic game for online marketers. If you are marketing your own program, Worldprofit has all of the tools and training you will ever need. "
file: 874


18 December 2016
"I joined Worldprofit not long ago. But in the short time I have had online with my website I have learned so much on marketing and getting traffic to my promotions. It's been really amazing. I'm very happy that I took advantage of the Silver Membership and its going to pay for itself in no time with the traffic that I'm getting. Worldprofit really ads value to your business. It's something tangible that I can use daily to get ahead of the game. Also it's fun to use! Thanks for offering such a great service. I could not have gotten so much for such a small investment anywhere on the net I know I have looked! Thanks Again Penn Mason-Nashville TN"
file: 873

Bill Darton St. Catharines, Ontario Canada

18 December 2016
"My Internet marketing career kicked off in 2005. Obviously I had plenty of opportunity to check out Worldprofit. I could kick myself for ignoring it for so long, but I am here now and that is all that matters. Everything I need is all in one place. Not only am I excited about all the resources and training that Worldprofit offers, but I have also been earning consistent income from the beginning. Now, for the first time, I have something that I am truly proud to promote. Whether you already have something to promote or you want to start a new business from scratch, you owe it to yourself to investigate Worldprofit from the inside. Thanks to George and Sandi for building such a tremendous platform to build my business and income."
file: 872

Richard Brownstein Rancho Santa Margarita, CA United States

18 December 2016
"I have been a member of Worldprofit now since June of 2016. It has everything you need to start a Business,and I mean everything. You don't need to go outside of the members area to access any tools. Name a tool! Worldprofit has it. Need a product? Need traffic? Need support? Worldprofit has it. Need Training? Worldprofit has the best. George Kosch does a live training every Friday morning. Worldprofit is an Internet Marketers dream. Just get a free Associate account, login and there will be a live person there to greet you and talk to you and to help you. What more can you possibly ask for! Thank You Worldprofit Thank you to George Kosch, and all the support staff. I am A very slow learner, unfortunately, but there's good news! You will never get left behind at Worldprofit. One more thing, listen up please. Want to know The best thing I like about George Kosch? (HE DOESN'T TELL YOU WHAT YOU WANT TO HEAR TO SUCCEED! > HE TELLS YOU WHAT YOU NEED TO HEAR TO SUCCEED!) HIS HONESTY IS SECOND TO NONE, JUST LIKE HIS WORK ETHIC. A FORMER AIR FORCE PILOT/INSTRUCTOR SAYS IT ALL. Thank You Worldprofit Richard Brownstein Proud Worldprofit Member"
file: 871

Emil Basista Middleburg Hts, Ohio USA

18 December 2016
"Very simply,you WILL NOT find anywhere on the internet, a company the caliber of Worldprofit. You will also not find two people the quality of Sandi Hunter, and George Kosch. These two people work entirely to make financially successful entrepreneurs of individuals WILLING TO WORK and follow their lead. This company is about honesty, integrity, and a real people concern. The tools Worldprofit has for you will for sure guarantee you success if you listen to what you're taught and then put it to use and DON'T RE-INVENT THE WHEEL. You only need ONE vehicle to be successful. Let Worldprofit be that vehicle and I promise you, it will be the best internet business decision you ever made. Quit wasting time and come see us and get the help you need. Emil Basista"
file: 870

Wallace Johnson MBA Alameda, CA United States

17 December 2016
"As a Former Test Pilot on the Apollo Program (The Lunar Landing), I have enjoyed a certain degree of success as the Commander of Spaceship DEWAJ, a (Daring Enterprise With A Journey). I give Worldprofit much of the credit in that Worldprofit's leadership of George Kosch and Sandi Hunter have provided me and my Worldprofit Associates the necessary skills to accomplish our mission. Worldprofit has provided Product Support as well as Training, Tools, Tips, and above all Traffic. I have been with Worldprofit almost ten years and highly recommend it as the solution to the challenge encountered by those who desire to be a success while working from home. Wallace Johnson MBA MCEC, Commander Spaceship DEWAJ."
file: 869
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Some Information About Us

About Worldprofit

Since 1994, Worldprofit has assisted small and home based business owners around the world to profit online. We specialize in traffic generation, business-building software, various reseller opportunities, webcasting, and ongoing training and support for our customers. CEO and Co-Founder George Kosch, is a graduate of the Royal Military College in Kinston, Ontario, Canada. He served as a Captain in the Canadian Air Force as a Pilot and later went on to instruct elite students in the jet training program. Eventually, George retired from the Air Force and in 1994 co-founded a small dot-com, start up called Worldprofit. Now over 20 years later, with over 2 million Members, George is the CEO of Worldprofit while maintaining an active hands-on role as a Software Engineer and Instructor for Members at Worldprofit. George along with fellow co-founder and President Sandi Hunter, together they provide a variety of comprehensive services, training and support to an online worldwide community of home business owners, and affiliate marketers.

Our Home Business & Affiliate Marketing Training

Worldprofit has the tools and services you need to grow your home business as big as you want. These tools and services include domain hosting, website design tools, video and webcasting, prospect management, HTML and text-based newsletters (listservers), website content management, dynamic lead generation, prospect leads, traffic generation, online advertising and more. We have analyzed what businesses need to profit online and have created and perfected the tools you need for maximum daily success.

George Kosch/Sandi Hunter CEO/President